Stu Peacock, Aconcagua.

Langdale Pikes.

Langdale Pikes.

Robertson Lamb Hut.

Robertson Lamb Hut.

Crinkle Crags from RLH

Crinkle Crags from RLH.

The Wayfarers' Club - Founded 1906

Affiliated to The British Mountaineering Council

"Rule 1. NAME AND OBJECTS The Club shall be called THE WAYFARERS' CLUB and its objects shall be to encourage mountaineering, rock-climbing, and mountain walking and to bring together people who are interested in these pursuits and to do whatever shall be deemed by the Committee to be conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.."

These have been the core objects of the Club since it was founded in 1906 in Liverpool, and continue to be so today. The Wayfarers' Club is a national club with strong base of members from Merseyside and the Northwest. In 2018 we finally achieved the necessary 75% voting majority to allow women to apply for membership.

To pursue the Clubs' objects, the Wayfarers have regular organised meets around the UK, often in our own hut and those of our kindred clubs. Informal parties are frequently in action at home and abroad. The Wayfarers also have a deserved reputation for their social activities. These include the Annual dinner and BBQ; our catered meets have become something of a speciality.

In the century of the existence of the Club, Wayfarers have left footprints in every continent and countless countries. In recent years, members' activities have ranged from homely rambles up Langdale to the ascent of Everest.

If you are interested in joining the Wayfarers, please see our Membership Criteria and contact our membership secretary at